Compliance Reporting Wits 03082022

This is a Post Graduate course “Compliance and Reporting Rules in the Minerals Industry (MINN7052/A)” at Wits University arranged by Tania Marshall.
It is scheduled for the week 26-30 September 2022. 

Tania draws on experienced speakers from industry, which the students appreciate as it gives them “real-world” information.



Canadian Securities 01082022The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) have issued a consultation paper with respect to National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
Download the consultation paper.

We as SAMCODES will be submitting a written response to the CSA on matters raised in the consultation paper. The deadline for submission of written responses has been extended to 13 September 2022.

Should you have any comments you wish to share on the consultation paper, please address them to


survey icon

Thank you to all those who took the time to answer our ESG Survey. The survey is now closed, and the results are being evaluated. Key outcomes of the survey will be published here in August 2022. Watch this space.

ESG Stakeholder engagement 31052022ESG – IS HERE TO STAY
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations are developing at a rapid pace in the international arena.
The SAMCODES Standards Committee (SSC) has constituted a multi-disciplinary working group to ensure alignment with the rapidly evolving expectations of stakeholders for ESG disclosure with Mineral Reporting.
The outcomes of the 2021 ESG Inquisition and views from a select group of key stakeholders have been distilled into the presentation below which is


Crirscomeeting2021 15012022

The Annual CRIRSCO meeting took place as a virtual event during the week of 11 October 2021, due to the pandemic and the travel restrictions. Each of the 14 NROs and 8 potential NROs had their own travel regulations which needed to be considered.

ANDY MACDONALDAndy McDonald has been doing mineral asset valuations for more than 20 years. He is a Principal Engineer with SRK Consulting specialising in due-diligence audits, competent person’s and mineral asset valuation reports, and engineering studies.

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The SAMCODES Virtual Conference 2021 was successfully held on 5 mornings during the week of 25 October 2021. It included papers and presentations on Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve aspects related to SAMREC as well as a number of presentations relating to mineral asset valuation. (SAMVAL). The conference was held online and attended by some 40 people on each day. The intention was to provide an opportunity for industry experts, emerging Competent Persons’ and sector investors to share and explore


GSSA webinar graph2 27102021

The Geological Society of South Africa is establishing an ESG interest group with the intention of creating a ESG branch within the GSSA. The aim is to create and promote awareness of ESG reporting issues whilst creating a platform for the broader earth sciences community to interact and learn about ESG.

Watch this space for further information. If you wish to be part of this exciting initiative, please contact to be put on the mailing list.

GSSA webinar graph 27102021

The GSSA is creating an ESG Division.
Click here to read more.

mineral project valuation 27102021

The SAIMM Mineral Valuation Webinar is a series of three webinars with a focus on a broad range of valuation-related issues.

GSSA webinar 27102021

The GSSA hosted a two-day ESG Inquisition webinar event in the second week of August 2021. The main objective of the event was to gather industry views and input regarding the potential ESG reporting requirements when disclosing Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates in Competent Persons reports and also in the Annual Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve reports published by Mineral companies.

If you missed the event, you can catchup


Squirrel Award 2021On Wednesday 11 August 2021, the 36th Annual IAS Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting and Communication (Squirrel Awards) was held as a virtual event. The SAMREC/IAS Award for the best 2020 Integrated Annual Report in the Minerals Sector was once again awarded to Impala Platinum Holdings Limited. The award was accepted by Mr Theodore Pegram, Lead Competent Person (Mineral Resources) Executive – Mineral Resources.

SAMREC competence quiz 06092022SAMCODES have an App that allows one to access and search the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG codes, the JSE Section 12 Listing Rules as well as SAMESG and the Diamond/Precious Stones Reporting Guidelines. It is now possible to have the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG Codes in your pocket so that it can be available at any time and you don’t have to search through a PDF to find the detail you need. Download it from your preferred App Store Now.



ESG INQUISITION: The GSSA is hosting a two-day ESG Inquisition webinar event in the second week of August 2021. The main objective of the event is to gather industry views and input regarding the potential ESG reporting requirements when disclosing Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates in Competent Persons reports and also in the Annual Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve reports published by Mineral companies. The current version of the SAMESG (2017) Guidelines is being redrafted


The JSE maintains Reader’s Panels which review all Competent Persons Reports and Mineral Asset Valuation Reports submitted to the JSE Limited. Such reports are reviewed for compliance with the JSE Listing Requirements that incorporate the relevant SAMCODES and any other code recognised by the JSE for secondary listings, if required. Members of the Reader’s Panels are appointed by the JSE, based on submissions through the SSC and are recognised experts in the commodity and deposit under


During February 2021, all universities and other institutes of higher learning throughout Africa were given a link to FREE access to the “Introduction to the SAMCODES”, a 2.5hr online webinar presented by Prof. Stephen Rupprecht (University of Johannesburg, South Africa). This has been provided by the SSC and the SAIMM to offer universities a high-quality teaching resource that will be of benefit to all geoscience and mining engineering students throughout Africa.

If you missed out on your


Did you know that some 22% of individuals who access our website do so from a mobile device? This number has risen from around 16% since the SAMCODES App was launched recently. It is now much easier for users to access the codes from wherever they are.

Over 48% of users are under 34 years of age, indicating (possibly) the interest that younger professionals are taking in the Codes. Users in the 18-24 year age range has increased almost 10% since all African universities were granted free


esg roundtable 08022021The INFACT project, PERC and Responsible Raw Materials co-hosted a series of virtual round table discussions on the inclusion of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in reporting of mineral deposit estimates and exploration results globally on Tuesday 26th January. Speakers included advisors to and /or members of the different CRIRSCO codes or standards, as well as other organisations pertinent to the discussions. The event focused on the following aspects:

Ferdi Camisan10122020Dr Ferdi Camisani,
July 1939 – November 2020.

Ferdi Camisani was born outside Parma Italy just a few weeks after the declaration of World War 2. He was a student of the father of geostatistics, Georges Matheron in Fontainebleau, France and together with Danie Krige, wrote some of the first papers on the application of geostatistics in South Africa.
During his long career in South Africa he worked with De Beers, Anglo American the Atomic Energy Corporation and Anglovaal.

samcode app userguide 22012020SAMCODES have launched an App that allows one to access and search the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG codes, the JSE Section 12 Listing Rules as well as SAMESG and the Diamond/Precious Stones Reporting Guidelines.

Click here to download the User Guide (PDF 1.5M)

crirsco meeting22012021The first virtual meeting of CRIRSCO took place from 14-19 September chaired by Ken Lomberg the Chairperson of CRIRSCO. The virtual platform allowed the meeting to include additional delegates from the National Reporting Organisations (NROs) Various interested parties were also able to attend. This allowed a broader group to become familiar with the workings of CRIRSCO.

Six 3-hour sessions were held on each of the 6 days with as many as 75 participants on any given day joining from all corners


Implats logoThe winners of the 2020 SAMREC/IASSA Squirrel awards for excellence in Integrated Annual Reports have been announced. The 2020 SAMREC/IASSA squirrel was awarded to IMPALA PLATINUM HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD for the second year in a row.

royal bafokeng logoSince 2017, a second Squirrel Award has been presented for the best Annual Integrated Report by a company with a market capitalisation less than ZAR15M. The winner of the Squirrel in this category for 2020 is ROYAL BAFOKENG PLATINUM LTD.

The SSC would like to thank


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All of us working in the mining industry have a vested interest in being part of an industry that is viewed positively. The industry has made great strides in South Africa and globally in how all stakeholders are treated. Meaningful progress has been made in working conditions and in the interaction with host communities. Progress has also been made in protecting investors and facilitating investment into mining projects by large institutions and individual investors.

However, looking back, we


The importance of ESG in public reporting

The programme aims to provide an overview of why environmental, social and Governance (ESG) considerations are so important to the minerals industry from the perspectives of mining companies, investors, and external stakeholders.
Attendees will engage in discussions on key questions including:

  • what is the global importance of ESG?
  • what do investors think about ESG – do they even care?
  • what does South African legislation say

John EtheringtonOn behalf of the UNECE secretariat and the Chair of the Expert Group on Resource Management (EGRM), David MacDonald, it is with great regret that we inform you of the passing of John Etherington.

John was a longstanding friend of EGRM and an active member starting in 2006 until 2017 when he withdrew from his roles for health reasons. He contributed to the development of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) and was the founding Chair of EGRM's Technical Advisory


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The SAMCODES 2021 Conference will take place on 26-27 October 2021 (the precise format (face-to-face/hybrid meeting) will depend on prevailing circumstances and will be announced in due time.



The 2020 Presentation of the IASSA Squirrel Awards has been postponed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. It will be staged as a virtual event at a date still to be determined and couriers will be assigned to deliver the awards to the respective recipients.

The 2020 Presentation of the IASSA Squirrel Awards has been postponed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. It will be staged as a virtual event at a date still to be determined and couriers will be assigned to deliver the awards to the respective recipients.

The 2019 SAMREC/IASSA Squirrel award (Market Capitalisation >R15M) was presented to Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd at the 34th Annual Awards Ceremony of the Investment Analysts Society of South Africa held at the JSE in Sandton (Tuesday 11 June


ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues are becoming more and more important globally. The Triple Bottom Line has come into focus since the mid-1990s. and in recognition, many mining companies are reporting to voluntary international standards such as IRMA and Responsible Steel.

While none of the international public reporting codes yet have a compulsory ESG component, the South African Guidelines for Environmental, Social and Governance (SAMESG) guidelines have been in place since


Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues continue to be a priority for shareholders and investors alike. A superficial search of the internet indicates that a myriad of standards and guideline exist and that many companies globally voluntarily sign up to demonstrate their adherence to socially and environmentally responsible mining. Since 2017, South African Guideline for the Reporting of Environmental, Social and Governance parameters within the solid minerals and oil and gas


Whilst Covid-19 continues to affect us and create a great deal of uncertainty, it also brings with it an opportunity to shape how life will look once we have overcome this challenge. Governments worldwide are considering what happens next, and what world we wish to emerge into. The virus has been transformative, making people aware that global issues – whether they be a virus, climate change, or the way the world extracts and uses minerals and other raw materials – require a global response. With

    • To reassess all the standard definitions occurring in the SAMREC Code
    • To assess the impact (if any) of technology on SAMREC requirements.
    • To further involvement in IMVAL
    • To progress issues of registration for Competent Valuators.
    • To promote a sense of ethics in Competent Valuators based on the SAIMM and GSSA Codes.
    • To do a review of the current SAMOG code based on the experience of the last two years and some changes currently taking place within both COGEH and PRMS.
    • To

Check out our new SPONSORSHIP website page. We are actively seeking industry sponsorship to continue and extend the work of SAMCODES. SAMCODES is a not-for-profit organisation established to develop, maintain, administer, ensure compliance with and promote the South African Mineral Codes, collectively known as SAMCODES.


Harry McDougal Parker


Stella Searston, RM SME, MAIG, FAusIMM and Larry B. Smith RM SME, MSEG

Harry Parker 01Harry McDougal Parker passed away on 19 December 2019, as a result of complications arising from melanoma. Harry is survived by his wife Susan Kemper Parker, daughter Meg, son Winthrop, grand-daughters Angelina, Sofia, Layla, Sadie, Ashley, and Chloe, and sister Betsy. Harry and Sue enjoyed two days short of 51 years of marriage.

Harry was born in New York on 7 February 1946. Harry’s youth


samrec cover 2000 03032020 smallIn 1992 a committee was formed by GSSA, including GASA, in response to the Council of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions ('CMMI'), to compile the first South African Code for reporting mineral resource and mineral reserves. The final draft ('Draft 6') was presented in conjunction with the SAIMM for discussion at the 1994 CMMI Conference at Sun City and to the JSE Listing Committee. In 1994, the CMMI formed an ad-hoc International Definitions Group to create a set of international


One of the requirements for Competent Persons is that they need to be registered with or be a member of one of a specified list of statutory or professional bodies (or RPOs). The following note is of specific interest for members of the GSSA and/or SAIMM who wish to use such membership to sign off on Public Documents (Competent/Qualified Persons Reports, Competent/Qualified Persons Valuation Reports, Annual Integrated Reports, etc).

Please note that this does not apply if you are also


At the CRIRSCO Annual Meeting held in Washington DC (USA) in September 2019, South Africa’s Ken Lomberg was confirmed as the Chairperson for 2020.

Ken has more than years’ experience in the minerals industry (specialising in the platinum and gold sector). He has extensive experience in exploration and mine geology. His skill set provides expertise in the project management, mineral reserve and resource estimation fields.

Ken has undertaken Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimations and


Tania R Marshall has been actively, and continuously, involved in the alluvial diamond exploration/mining industry since 1985. She has worked directly for both large and small companies in this field, as an operator, and also as a consultant (in Africa, South America, Australia and Asia).

She has a PhD from the University of the Witwatersrand (1990). Since then she continues to write and lecture widely on the subject of alluvial diamond deposition, exploration, evaluation and valuation. In 1996


Please download and use this latest version 202001_SAMREC Code with Table 1. This is the only version to be used from January 2020 – it contains edits and updates to Table 1, bringing it in line with the associated Excel version on the website.

Media release on behalf of the South African Guideline for the reporting of environmental, social and governance parameters within the mining and oil and gas industries (SAMESG)

The SAMESG Committee is excited to announce that the SAMESG Guideline is the recipient of the 2019 United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR) Honours Award.

ISAR was established in 1982 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. “ISAR


SAMCODES have launched an App that allows one to access and search the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG Codes, the JSE Section 12 listing rules as well as SAMESG and the Diamond Guidelines for reporting.

It is now possible to have the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG Codes in your pocket so that it can be available at any time and you don’t have to search through a PDF to find the detail you need.

Go to the Google Play store and download it now.
You are now able to download the app via the Android Store or


CRIRSCO (Committee for Mineral Reserves Internal Reporting Standards) recently held its 2019 Annual Meeting In Washington DC, USA (9 -11 September 2019). The meeting was successful and included the opportunity for the various NROs (SAMREC is one of the14 National Reporting Organisations) to report back on their activities during the past year. Opportunity was given to a number of countries seeking to become members of CRIRSCO . These include Argentina, China, Peru, Philippines.


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The National Committee for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Reserves in India (NACRI) has become the latest member of the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards CRIRSCO India, further strengthening the adoption of internationally recognized and accepted reporting standards for solid mineral reserves and resources.

The Annual Meeting of CRIRSCO was recently held in London (17 – 19 September 2018) and attended by representatives of the 13 National Reporting Organisations (NROs). It was attended by Messrs. Roger Dixon and Ken Lomberg on behalf of the SSC. The meeting was held at The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)


Andrew holds a B Eng (Chemical) and M Com (Financial Economics) and worked in production and project roles up to 2006, when his focus shifted to strategy, business development and valuation. He has spent several years as technical advisor to government committees overseeing the negotiation of mining conventions and rail and mineral terminal concessions. He has experience in valuing metals and minerals assets, including iron ore, manganese, chrome, copper, coal, gold and the platinum group


The SAMESG Committee drives the environmental, social and governance aspects of public reporting that is becoming increasingly more important in the minerals industry. Since 2014, the SAMESG Committee has been ably led by Mrs Sarah Magnus. During Q2/2018, the Chair has moved to Ms Teresa Steele-Schober.

Teresa has worked extensively in the mining industry as an environmental and sustainability professional. She started her working life as a geologist in the gold mining sector, after which she


The SAMCODES Standards Committee (SSC) develops, promotes and ensures compliance with the South African Mineral and Oil & Gas Reporting Codes. These Codes comprise the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG Codes, and associated Guidelines. Governance of the Codes is affected through membership of Professional Bodies, through Statutory Registration of Earth and Geological Scientists and Engineers, and through the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (the JSE) Reader’s Panel.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (Washington DC October 31, 2018) announced that it has voted to adopt amendments to modernize the property disclosure requirements for mining registrants, and related guidance, under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The amendments will provide investors with a more comprehensive understanding of a registrant’s mining properties, which should help them make more informed investment decisions. The amendments also will more


With the MRREC delegation training program hosted by the SSC in South Africa now concluded, we can reflect on the many positives that their visit has brought. It has further strengthened ties between South Africa and China, creating friendships and contacts across the two countries. It has also engendered a greater respect for South Africa’s mineral wealth and the role that the local industry has played in creating strong mineral reporting standards globally. As a showcase for the country’s
