Samrec course Banner 31012025

The Workshop will now take place at the Visitor’s Centre Auditorium, Impala Platinum, Rustenburg.

The objective of the Workshop is to supply the participants with the basics of the SAMREC and SAMVAL Codes. It intends to provide the professionals with a better understanding and appreciation of the South African reporting codes.Sufficient detail will also enable the mining engineer to benefit from this Workshop as real issues are raised during the course. The Workshop will be broken into four - 30 minute sessions structured to comprise of a basic introduction of the Codes and key definitions and principles.The second and third session will introduce the SAMREC and SAMVAL Codes and their application in Public Reporting. The final session will provide a number of case studies thereby enabling participants to fully benefit from the sessions.

Kindly note, registration closes on 26 March 2025. Please note late registrations will incur a R500 administration fee for registrations received after the closing date.



SAMREC Survey Request 13102025

In September 2025, the SAMCODES Standards Committee (SSC), in conjunction with the Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA) and the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the SAMREC Code (which was launched in March 2000). This will form part of the “Introduction to SAMREC/SAMVAL and the JSE Listing Requirements” workshop to be held as a hybrid event on 2-3 September 2025 (at the Johannesburg Country Club, Auckland Park)

We would ask all who have authored CPRS and other (public and/or private) technical reports in compliance with the SAMREC Code since March 2000 (or since they started business) to please provide us with the number of such documents; we don’t need anything more than the total number of SAMREC compliant documents authored. The purpose of this enquiry is to show widespread acceptance and usage of SAMREC. While the JSE Readers Panel has reviewed 282 SAMREC compliant Public CPRs over 25 years, we believe that the total number of such documents is significantly larger.

We would be grateful if you could send us this information at your earliest convenience, but before June 2025. Please send it to: Rob Ingram ( and cc to Tania Marshall (

Organising Committee of the 25th Anniversary of the SAMREC Code

In keeping with the additional guidance provided by the Diamond and ESG Guidelines to SAMREC, the SSC recognised that a similar guideline for the reporting of industrial minerals was necessary. Following a year’s deliberation, and drawing on information from CIM, PERC and CRIRSCO, a draft Industrial Minerals Guideline has now been compiled in support of SAMREC. Even though most South African industrial minerals producers were represented on the committee compiling the Guideline, the SSC nevertheless makes the draft guideline available for public review.

If you have any comments, please provide these in writing to Sam Moolla at before 15 January 2025.  

DOWNLOAD: SAMREC Industrial Minerals Guideline Document-draft_05nov24.pdf

Andy McDonald, Chairperson of the SAMCODES ESG Working Group presented at the conference.
Watch the video below.
Download the presentation...

UNFC 22092023 YPC SAMCODES Banner 13092023
Watch the video here >>> Watch the video here >>>

YPC SAMCODES Banner 13092023
Watch the video here >>>  

The CRIRSCO Template to UNFC Bridging Document, together with the Guidance Note was approved by the UNECE’s Expert Group on Resource Management in Geneva in April 2024. Article in the link below: 

The SAMOG Committee have recently revised the SAMOG Code and has issued it for public consultation. See the attached letter and draft SAMOG Code for review by all Interested and Affected Parties.

Closing date for comments has been extended to 15 January 2025, and must be sent to

DOWNLOAD: Public Consultation of the SAMOG Code Reivew Submission 14th November 2024.pdf
DOWNLOAD: SAMOG Code Track Changes for Public Consultation 14th November 2024.docx

It has been anticipated for a long time and it’s finally landed. The draft updated JORC Code has been published for comment. The 90-day comment period ends on 31 October 2024.
You can find all the information here ...

SAMESG Quiz without borderThe SAMESG Quarterly Quiz is NOW live! Test your SAMESG knowledge and challenge yourself with our latest quiz, available exclusively on the SAMCODES app. Check out our SAMCODES App User Guide for step-by-step instructions:


Extended to 3 June 2024

Amendments to the JSE Listings Requirements: Simplification Project

The JSE refers to its previous announcements on the Simplification Project. The JSE has released a further Section, being Section 12 (Mineral Companies).

As a reminder, a dedicated Simplification Project portal has been created through the link below, which forms the central database for the project.

The Section above includes the following documents for public consultation:

  • Key Amendments Schedule identifying any amendments that are not consider simplification;

  • Marked-up version of the Section; and

  • Clean simplified version. 

The JSE invites comments on the proposed amendments by close of business on Monday, 27 May 2024 - Extended to 3 June 2024, and comments can be sent to
Any queries or questions can be directed to


SENS Announcement April 2024 Simplification Project Section 12

Section 12 Key Amendments Schedule April 2024 V1

Section 12 Simplified April 24 V1

Section 12 Mark Up April 24 V1

See more here

cs CSA SifisoSiwelaThe next year is an exciting one for the SSC with all the activities planned to include imminent updates to the SAMCODES and guidelines. A lot of emphasis will be placed on training programmes, as well as marketing and promotion of the SAMCODES through more local engagements and international liaison.

Thank you to the Immediate Past Chairperson, Andy McDonald, for his leadership over the past two years and laying a solid foundation. 

Thank you to the SSC and the respective Code Committees for their hard work and volunteering their time. The current Committee composition can be seen here 

We would like to welcome Joseph Mainama as the Vice Chairperson.

Joseph Mainama | Principal Mining Engineer | Johannesburg, South Africa

Joseph Mainama, SSC Vice Chairperson 2024 – 2025

Joseph is a principal mining engineer and partner at SRK Consulting (South Africa) with 27 years of experience in the field. He has a strong background in operations, having worked in diamond, platinum and gold mines. Joseph specializes in mining studies across various commodities, ranging from scoping stage to feasibility level. His expertise includes mining project management, due diligence reviews, independent technical reviews, competent person's reports, feasibility studies, and mine optimization. Additionally, Joseph has conducted mining project close-out evaluations in platinum mines and ore reserve audits in chrome, copper, gold, manganese, platinum, and zinc mines.

The JSE maintains Reader’s Panels which review all Competent Persons Reports and Mineral Asset Valuation Reports submitted to the JSE Limited. Such reports are reviewed for compliance with the JSE Listing Requirements that incorporate the relevant SAMCODES, and any other code recognised by the JSE for secondary listings, if required. Members of the Reader’s Panels are appointed by the JSE, based on submissions through the SSC and are recognised experts in the commodity and deposit under consideration.

If you would like to be considered for a position on the JSE Readers Panel, please send your (comprehensive) CV to by 5 November 2023. To find out more about the JSE Monitoring of Reporting Standards, please look at

The current mandate for the Readers Panel (as well as the JSE Section 12 Listing Rules) can also be downloaded from this web page, which mandate details the requirements for Readers and the expectations of the position.If you have any questions you may contact:
Sam Moolla
SAIMM Manager
Telephone: +27 83 415 9635

SC quizComplete the monthly Quiz to test your knowledge on the SAMREC code.

Find the Quiz on our app:
Click for the SAMCODES App User Guide

Screen Shot 2023 06 13 at 08.41.42

SRK's Fiona Cessford speaks at the AusIMM Mineral Resource Estimation Conference in Perth, Western Australia.
The days of cursory environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure in relation to the economics of mining projects are numbered, the 2023 AusIMM Mineral Resource Estimation conference heard. Investors need, and should get, a fuller view of the factors likely to materially impact projects in a different era for the industry, SRK corporate consultant Fiona Cessford told the event audience in Perth, Western Australia.

Download full article... (PDF 600KB)

Compliance Course 2023 banner 31052023

The course aims to provide students with a perspective of the requirements of Reporting Codes in the minerals industry, including the South African Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (SAMREC), the South African Mineral Asset Valuation Code (SAMVAL), the South African Code for the evaluation of Oil & Gas Reserves (SAMOG), the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Listing Rules as well as various other local and international standards that impact directly on the South African mining industry. There is also a focus on the global and local importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues in Public Reporting.



The Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO) Annual Meeting was hosted by the SAMCODES in Johannesburg from 17th to 20th October 2022. The meeting was attended by the respective representatives of 12 National Reporting Organizations (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Europe, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Turkey and the USA). International alignment and ESG for mineral reporting were the focus during this meeting. A cocktail function was sponsored by the SSC after the AGM on Wednesday 19th, where representatives from the SSC, as well as SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG committees, were invited.

SK1300 banner



Following the successful “Implications of S-K 1300 regulations and disclosures for dual-listed companies on the JSE and NYSE” workshop and outcomes arising, the S-K 1300 Forum site is open to participants of the previous workshop to share material and ideas based on feedback after the first cycle of S-K 1300 reporting from the SEC. There is a Q&A and repository of all the webinar key learnings and developments. The major themes and flagged topics from the forum will inform a follow-up annual webinar and possible engagements with the SEC for the benefit of our local mining industry affected and impacted by the S-K 1300 regulations.

This forum does not constitute legal advice, it is a collection of opinions from various professionals involved in the mining industry and the SSC does not accept responsibility for individual comments.

jse panel03032023The work of the JSE Panel of Readers for Solid Minerals 2022
Annual Presentation to the SSC 24th November 2022 by Rob Ingram Chairman:
Panel of Readers for Solid Minerals

Download the presentation here...

Live Webinar, 30 May2023 (08:00 – 15:00)
Costs, Registration closes 24 May 2023, Registration costs R1000 for Members, R1500 for non-members, R500 for students/retired. A number
of free student places are available on application.
One of the many skills necessary for the modern geoscientist is knowing how to communicate effectively. We gather technical/scientific information and findings, and then struggle to present them to our audiences in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. Be it to our colleagues, bosses, as well as to non-technical specialists, investors, bankers and even, on occasion, to the general public. Without being understood, we cannot make the impact we desire.
Download the full brochure...

Vaughn DukeVaughn Duke Pr.Eng, PMP, BSc Mining Engineering (Hons), MBA, has worked in the minerals industry since 1986.
He worked mostly on gold mines in Zimbabwe and South Africa prior to establishing Sound Mining in 2004 and where he and his team have since provided a range of consulting services covering numerous commodities.

Vaughn has been associated with the Southern African Institution of Mining and Metallurgy since his university days. He is now a Fellow of the SAIMM and has contributed both on Council and to numerous committees and working groups over the years, which have included SAMREC and SAMVAL.
He is also a registered member of the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), The Project Management Institute (PMI), the Association of Mine Managers of South Africa (AMMSA), and the Institute of Directors (IOD).

Samcodes ESG logo 03032023The Working Group has made considerable progress during 2022 and early 2023, having completed the following workstreams:

  • Categorisation of the key findings from the ESG Inquisition and ESG Survey into distinct outcomes.
  • Compilation of minimum ESG disclosure requirements.
  • Adoption of the ESG definitions formulated by CRIRSCO as placeholders in the interim. There is still considerable debate around an appropriate definition for Governance, varying from those aspects that directly affect mineral resources and reserves governance to a much broader corporate perspective.
  • Compilation of stakeholder expectations for ESG reporting.
  • Compilation of a proposed table of contents for the revision of the SAMESG Guideline.
  • Compilation of a draft SAMREC ESG document, a potential new section for the SAMREC Code, framing ESG integration of minimum ESG disclosure requirements in mineral reporting and providing context, perspective and guidance in terms of global trends, stakeholder expectations and end users of the mineral reporting. The draft is extensive and deliberately comprehensive to avoid losing valuable points at this stage.

Work is now focused on the following activities:

  • Migrate key aspects from the SAMREC ESG draft into the SAMREC Code (as recommended changes)
  • Incorporate the key ESG aspects into the SAMREC Table 1 (as recommended changes).
  • Compile chapters of the SAMESG Guideline according to the new Table of Contents, and incorporate key aspects from the stakeholder mapping, ESG Inquisition, minimum ESG disclosures and the SAMREC ESG draft.
  • Compile recommended ESG aspects for inclusion in the SAMVAL Code, in the same style as the SAMREC ESG draft. Follow the same review process to determine what should belong in the Code and what should appear to the Guideline.

The date of 11 July 2023 in the GSSA calendar has been earmarked for an ESG event. The Working Group expects this will take the form of progress made, appraise the broader mining and regulatory community of its recommendations, and link these to international developments.

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On the 15th and 22nd March 2023, the GSSA held the Introduction to SAMCODES and JSE Listing Rules.  It was initially proposed as an in-contact event to be held at the Mandela Mining Precinct.  However, the number of registrations received for the contact event did not make this a viable proposition and the event was eventually held online only with 28 virtual delegates.  Delegates cane from all over South Africa and even from Botswana and Namibia.

The event covered the basics of the various codes (SAMREC, SAMVAL, SAMOG and the SAMESG Guideline) as well as an introduction to the JSE listing rules.  It also defined the requirements for a Competent Person and reviewed the fundamentals of compiling a Competent Persons Report as well as the common mistakes identified by the JSE Readers Panel. It serves as a basis on which to build the Advanced Course to be held later in the year.