Clause 9 of the SAMREC Code.

The issue of Competent Persons being identified as company or corporate entities has been a problem for many years and efforts to change this have met with resistance from industry professionals. However, the SAMREC Code is quite clear on this matter. The definition in Clause 9 is displayed below.

Definition. Clause 9 of the SAMREC Code.
A Competent Person is a person who is registered with SACNASP, ECSA, or SAGC, or is a Member or Fellow of the SAIMM, the GSSA, IMSSA or a Recognised Professional Organisation (RPO). These organisations have enforceable disciplinary processes including the powers to suspend or expel a member. A complete list of recognised organisations will be promulgated by the SSC from time to time. The Competent Person must comply with the provisions of the relevant promulgated Acts.
It is clear from this definition that a Competent Person (CP) is a natural person and not a company or corporate entity.

The text of CPRs often contain the following statements which are not compliant:

  • Vogon Consulting identified several areas in which the core and sample storage……
  • Vogon deems the SG data to be of sufficient quality to classify the Coal Resource as an Inferred Coal…..
  • Vogon Consulting recommends that if new drilling campaigns are undertaken……..
  • To Vogon’s knowledge no bulk sampling or trial mining sampling has…..
  • Vogon has estimated Ore Reserves per the SAMREC Code (2016).

The following compliant statements are to be preferred:

  • The Competent Person identified several areas in which the core and sample storage……
  • The CP deems the SG data to be of sufficient quality to classify the Coal Resource as an Inferred Coal…..
  • Mr. XX Vogon recommends that if new drilling campaigns are undertaken……..
  • To the CP’s knowledge no bulk sampling or trial mining sampling has…..
  •  Dr XY Vogon has estimated Ore Reserves per the SAMREC Code (2016).