SAMREC competence quiz 06092022SAMCODES have an App that allows one to access and search the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG codes, the JSE Section 12 Listing Rules as well as SAMESG and the Diamond/Precious Stones Reporting Guidelines. It is now possible to have the SAMREC, SAMVAL and SAMOG Codes in your pocket so that it can be available at any time and you don’t have to search through a PDF to find the detail you need. Download it from your preferred App Store Now.



ESG INQUISITION: The GSSA is hosting a two-day ESG Inquisition webinar event in the second week of August 2021. The main objective of the event is to gather industry views and input regarding the potential ESG reporting requirements when disclosing Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates in Competent Persons reports and also in the Annual Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve reports published by Mineral companies. The current version of the SAMESG (2017) Guidelines is being redrafted


The 2020 Presentation of the IASSA Squirrel Awards has been postponed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. It will be staged as a virtual event at a date still to be determined and couriers will be assigned to deliver the awards to the respective recipients.

The 2020 Presentation of the IASSA Squirrel Awards has been postponed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. It will be staged as a virtual event at a date still to be determined and couriers will be assigned to deliver the awards to the respective recipients.

The 2019 SAMREC/IASSA Squirrel award (Market Capitalisation >R15M) was presented to Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd at the 34th Annual Awards Ceremony of the Investment Analysts Society of South Africa held at the JSE in Sandton (Tuesday 11 June


ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues are becoming more and more important globally. The Triple Bottom Line has come into focus since the mid-1990s. and in recognition, many mining companies are reporting to voluntary international standards such as IRMA and Responsible Steel.

While none of the international public reporting codes yet have a compulsory ESG component, the South African Guidelines for Environmental, Social and Governance (SAMESG) guidelines have been in place since


Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues continue to be a priority for shareholders and investors alike. A superficial search of the internet indicates that a myriad of standards and guideline exist and that many companies globally voluntarily sign up to demonstrate their adherence to socially and environmentally responsible mining. Since 2017, South African Guideline for the Reporting of Environmental, Social and Governance parameters within the solid minerals and oil and gas


The 2018 SAMREC/IASSA Squirrel award was presented to African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) at the 33rd Annual Awards Ceremony of the Investment Analysts Society of South Africa held at the JSE in Sandton (Thursday 21 June 2018).

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Mining professionals from around the country, with all levels of experience, took part in the 4th Annual SAMREC/SAMVAL Compliance and JSE Reporting Workshop hosted by the GSSA and the SSC at the Glenhove Conference Centre in Johannesburg from 28th-29th June.

SAMCODES Standards Committee (SSC) Vice-Chairperson Tania Marshall chaired the workshop, with presentations by industry stalwarts and SSC members including SAMREC Chair Ken Lomberg and SAMVAL Chair Kelly Redman. The workshop is aimed at
